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Verbindung zur OpenAI Echtzeit API

Dieses Dokument beschreibt die Beta-Version der Vodia- PBX, die sich mit der OpenAI-Echtzeit-API verbindet und es Benutzern ermöglicht, mit einem Chatbot über das Telefon zu interagieren. Der JavaScript-Code im Backend erleichtert die Verbindung, die Handhabung der Audio Ein- und -ausgabe und die WebSocket-Verbindung mit der OpenAI-API. Die Einrichtung erfordert eine Vodia PBX Version 69.5.3 oder höher, einen API-Schlüssel und eine Lizenz mit einem IVR-Knoten. Auf die Demo kann zugegriffen werden, indem die Vorlage ivrnode.js bearbeitet und ein IVR-Knoten im Tenant erstellt wird. Das System unterstützt verschiedene VoIP-Geräte und bietet eine gute Sprachqualität. Zukünftige Verbesserungen umfassen die Erkennung von Sprachaktivitäten und die Möglichkeit, Aktionen auf der Grundlage von OpenAI-Antworten durchzuführen.

November 26, 2024

Vodia Rufgruppen - Ein Überblick

Die Vodia-Telefonanlage bietet Unternehmen eine umfassende Telefonielösung, die sowohl für On-Premise- als auch für Cloud-Systeme konzipiert ist und Funktionen wie Audiokonferenzräume, automatische Vermittlungsplätze, Voicemails, Anrufweiterleitung und Rufgruppen bietet. Eine Rufgruppe leitet eingehende Anrufe an bestimmte Teammitglieder weiter, indem sie Strategien wie gleichzeitiges oder sequenzielles Klingeln verwendet, um sicherzustellen, dass Anrufe schnell einen verfügbaren Agenten erreichen. Die Vodia-Telefonanlage unterstützt mehrstufige Anrufweiterleitung, anpassbare Klingelmelodien, CRM-Integration und Optionen wie Wartemusik und Anrufaufzeichnung.

November 8, 2024

WLAN und VoIP: Was Sie wissen sollten

Da Unternehmen zunehmend WLANs einsetzen, ist es unerlässlich, deren Auswirkungen auf VoIP zu verstehen. WLANs bieten zwar Flexibilität und Mobilität, können aber aufgrund von Paketverlusten und Bursts beim Wechsel des Access-Points zu Problemen mit der Anrufqualität führen. Um diese Probleme zu bekämpfen, können Unternehmen robuste Codecs wie OPUS verwenden, die dafür ausgelegt sind, Paketverluste effektiv zu bewältigen, und SBCs einsetzen, um Jitter-Puffer zu verbessern. Durch den Einsatz dieser Lösungen können Unternehmen ein zuverlässigeres VoIP-Erlebnis gewährleisten, das den Anforderungen moderner Arbeitsplätze gerecht wird und eine nahtlose Kommunikation ohne Unterbrechungen ermöglicht.

October 22, 2024

Pannen bei der Anrufweiterleitung

In den späten 1980er Jahren waren Spaßanrufe eine gängige Form der Unterhaltung, führten aber oft zu Verwirrung, ähnlich wie die heutigen Störungen bei der Anrufweiterleitung. Kürzlich kam es bei einem Kunden, der auf ein neues PBX-System umstieg, zu Problemen, weil sich die Benutzer bei der Weiterleitung von Anrufen vertippten. Benutzerfehler sind zwar keine Seltenheit, aber es gibt ein noch größeres Problem: Anrufe, die an Notrufnummern oder kostenpflichtige Leitungen umgeleitet werden, zumal vielen VoIP-Telefonen Sicherheitsfunktionen fehlen. Zu den Lösungen gehören die Beschränkung der Anrufweiterleitung auf interne Nummern, die Sperrung des Zugangs oder die Zulassung nur bestimmter, vorab genehmigter Nummern.

October 10, 2024

Jetzt verfügbar: 69.3 - Eine neue Version der Vodia-Telefonanlage

Wir freuen uns, die Version 69.3 von Vodia PBX ankündigen zu können, die die Stabilität in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen mit verbesserter Protokollierung und Packet Burst Belastbarkeit erhöhen soll. Zu den wichtigsten Aktualisierungen gehören die automatische Konvertierung von Audiodateien, die erweiterte Avaya-Unterstützung, verbesserte Call Detail Records mit SIP-Paketen und RTP-Statistiken sowie Cloud-Speicher für Anrufaufzeichnungen. Darüber hinaus haben wir Unterstützung für neue Geräte von Fanvil und Grandstream, verbesserte Umleitungseinstellungen, Hotline-Wahl und detailliertere, über Prometheus verfügbare Systemleistungsstatistiken hinzugefügt.

June 3, 2024

Umstellung von Sammelanschlüssen auf Rufgruppen: Ein How-To zur Vereinfachung der Kommunikation

Die Unternehmenskommunikation hat sich von manuellen Telefonzentralen und traditionellen gemeinsam genutzten Leitungen zu modernen Lösungen wie Rufgruppen entwickelt, die eingehende Anrufe an mehrere Nebenstellen gleichzeitig verteilen und sicherstellen, dass kein Anruf unbeantwortet bleibt. Dies verbessert die Anrufabwicklung, die Kundenzufriedenheit und die Ressourcennutzung. Um eine Rufgruppe einzurichten, müssen Sie Gruppenmitglieder identifizieren, Einstellungen konfigurieren, das Verhalten anpassen und Testanrufe durchführen.

May 23, 2024

Vodia: Enterprise VoIP optimieren

Wir bei Vodia sind uns der Herausforderungen bewusst, mit denen Unternehmen bei VoIP konfrontiert sind, insbesondere bei der Aufrechterhaltung qualitativ hochwertiger Audioverbindungen inmitten von Faktoren wie Jitter, Netzwerklatenz und Paketverlust. Diese Probleme stören das nahtlose Kommunikationserlebnis, das für den Geschäftsbetrieb unerlässlich ist. Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, haben wir innovative Lösungen in unserer Telefonanlage entwickelt, wie z. B. die Aufzeichnung entschlüsselter RTP-Pakete und flexible Optionen für den Datenschutz. Unser Anspruch ist es, diese Hindernisse effizient zu beseitigen und sicherzustellen, dass sich Unternehmen auf eine unterbrechungsfreie Kommunikation verlassen können, ohne Kompromisse bei der Sicherheit oder Leistung einzugehen.

May 15, 2024

Vodia: Ein Jahrzehnt Künstliche Intelligenz – und die perfekte Wahl für Reseller

Vodia ist seit seiner Gründung ein Pionier auf dem Gebiet der KI-Technologie. Während KI, derzeit im Rampenlicht steht, ist unser KI-gesteuerter automatischer Vermittlungsplatz schon seit Jahrzehnten ein Eckpfeiler von Cloud-Telefonsystemen. Wir sind nach wie vor führend bei der Bereitstellung innovativer KI-gesteuerter Funktionen und Features, arbeiten mit Start-ups in der APAC-Region zusammen und unterstützen MSPs beim Aufbau starker, kosteneffizienter Geschäftsmodelle.

October 5, 2023

Was ist eigentlich SIP?

Was Sie schon immer wissen wollten: Wofür steht eigentlich SIP, und was genau ist das? Dr. Christian Stredicke, Geschäftsführer von Vodia Networks, erklärt's, einfach und verständlich.

August 3, 2022

Was ist eigentlich VoIP?

Was Sie schon immer wissen wollten: Wofür steht eigentlich VoIP, und was genau ist das? Dr. Christian Stredicke, Geschäftsführer von Vodia Networks, erklärt's, einfach und verständlich.

July 11, 2022

Kurztutorial: Wie man die Mailbox in der Vodia Smartphone-App nutzt

In diesem Kurztutorial erfahren Sie, wie man die Mailbox in der Smartphone-App für die Vodia PBX nutzt.

June 15, 2022

Kurztutorial: Mit der Vodia Smartphone-App SMS versenden

Kurztutorial: Wie mit der Vodia Smartphone-App über die Vodia PBX Textnachrichten (SMS) verschickt werden können

April 29, 2022

Kurztutorial: Mit der Vodia Smartphone-App Klingeltöne ein und ausschalten

In diesem Kurztutorial erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit der Vodia Smartphone-App festlegen, welche Geräte bei Anruf klingeln.

March 31, 2022

Kurztutorial: "Bitte nicht stören" (DND - Do not disturb) aktivieren und deaktivieren

In diesem Kurztutorial erfahren Sie, wie in der Vodia Smartphone-App "Bitte nicht stören" (DND - Do not disturb) aktiviert und deaktiviert wird.

March 16, 2022

Kurztutorial: Anrufen mit der Vodia Smartphone-App

In diesem Kurztutorial erfahren Sie, wie einfach es ist, mit der Vodia PBX und unserer Smartphone-App Anrufe zu tätigen.

March 11, 2022

Cisco 8800 Series Now Fully Compatible with Vodia PBX

Vodia Networks is excited to announce full compatibility between the Cisco 8800 Series IP Phones and Vodia PBX. This integration offers SMBs a secure, high-quality, and full-featured VoIP solution, enabling businesses of all sizes to enhance their communication capabilities. Vodia PBX resellers can now offer Cisco’s industry-leading phones as part of their UCaaS packages, providing customers with more options and added value in the competitive PBX market. For a step-by-step guide on provisioning a Cisco 3PPC with Vodia PBX, watch our tutorial video.

April 19, 2019

Weekly and Monthly Reports

Vodia PBX now allows users to schedule reports beyond daily intervals, supporting weekly, monthly, and quarterly options. Reports can be combined, such as “0:00/week 0:00/month,” to send both weekly and monthly reports at midnight. However, caution is needed when scheduling quarterly reports on busy systems due to performance concerns. The web interface now offers period selection for reports, such as the current or previous day, week, or month. While this simplifies report generation, large systems should be mindful of potential slowdowns when accessing large amounts of data. The "Try" button continues to generate daily reports.

March 22, 2019

How to configure with Vodia PBX

This article explains how to configure a SIP trunk with on Vodia PBX, starting with ensuring that your system is properly set up with NAT, firewall checks, and correct SIP settings. After configuring your account, including setting the device type and dialing mode, you'll gather necessary details like the username, password, DID numbers, and registrar server. In Vodia PBX, create a new SIP trunk and input the settings such as registrar, username, and password. You'll then configure how incoming calls are routed, either based on the Request-URI or directing them to a specific account. Once completed, save the settings, and the trunk will register automatically, with the dial plan generated for you.

January 20, 2019

How to configure your Telynx SIP trunk with Vodia PBX

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of configuring the Vodia phone system with Telnyx phone service using Registration. It begins with setting up a Telnyx account, including purchasing a phone number and creating a connection with secure credentials. Once the connection is established, the guide walks you through provisioning your number and assigning it to the created connection. The outbound profile setup enables outbound calling through Telnyx, and Vodia PBX integration is simplified with automatic dial plans. Additionally, routing incoming calls to specific extensions or external URLs is covered, along with managing multiple DIDs through Vodia’s DID management.

January 14, 2019

Enhancing Call Troubleshooting and Quality Monitoring with PCAP Recording

In version 5.2.3, we improved the email client to better handle multi-tenant environments. Previously, email problems could affect all domains if one email server went down, causing delays in outgoing messages. We redesigned the client to be multi-tenant while preserving the reliability of the previous setup. However, issues arose with the TLS context when multiple emails were sent in quick succession. This required a patch to resolve the problem. If you upgraded to 5.2.3 before June 28, we recommend repeating the upgrade to ensure the latest email fixes are applied for faster, more reliable email performance.

September 5, 2014

Internet of Things and the PBX

The concept of the "Internet of Things" (IoT) can often be clouded by vague terms, and the promise of IPv6 enabling the Internet of Everything seemed like a great solution at first. While the idea of assigning every object its own IP address sounds compelling, the reality is that simpler and more practical solutions are often more effective. In terms of IoT, telephone numbers, especially in the form of extensions, offer a well-understood, universal addressing system that could be used to control devices like shutters, lights, or doors, all through a PBX. Ultimately, a mix of different technologies will likely coexist, enabling seamless interaction across various devices and systems.

June 29, 2014

The OpenSSL Heartbleed disaster

For two years, a vulnerability in certain OpenSSL versions allowed attackers to intercept encrypted traffic, potentially exposing sensitive information like private server keys. This vulnerability, known as Heartbleed, caused a global security crisis. Despite OpenSSL’s open-source nature allowing scrutiny, the bug remained undetected, and there were rumors suggesting some may have exploited it rather than reporting it. Early on, Vodia focused on security, opting for a custom TLS implementation to avoid issues like OpenSSL's memory fragmentation. This decision not only helped sidestep vulnerabilities like Heartbleed but also shielded the PBX from widespread exploits, as attackers lack access to the source code.

April 11, 2014

Hosted PBX and SIP-ALG

In 5.2.2, we’re addressing a common challenge for SIP phones in LANs that need an outbound proxy based on their location. To provide the required quality of service, devices like Edgewater VoIP routers or even simpler routers route SIP traffic separately from other office data. To offer more flexibility, we’ve introduced a pattern-based list for specifying outbound proxies. This allows you to define specific IP addresses, ports, and transport types for different networks. For example, if a tenant has two offices with different network setups, the domain setting allows administrators to configure outbound proxies for each office using patterns like "" or "".

April 2, 2014

Multicast Paging for the Hosted PBX

Hosted PBX offers many advantages over local systems, but when it comes to paging phones in a LAN, multicast remains the most efficient solution. Unfortunately, multicast often doesn't work in hosted PBX environments or large corporate networks. One workaround is using a unicast stream that is then converted into multicast through a device in the LAN, often using iptables. Another option is to use snom phones or the PA1, which can convert the audio stream into multicast. Alternatively, a local Vodia mini PBX can be set up to register with the hosted PBX, sending calls to a multicast paging group. This method offers more flexibility and useful features like call recording, making it an ideal solution for handling large volumes of paging.

March 26, 2014


In version 5.2.0, ACD statistics have been reworked to provide more detailed insights at the user level, making it easier for agents to track their performance. Users who are part of an ACD can access a link to the wallboard, which now updates in real-time through websockets, ensuring immediate visibility of incoming calls. The wallboard shows call statistics, including total and average call durations, hold time, idle time, and per-agent performance. It also displays the history of recent calls. The web-based wallboard is platform-independent, accessible from any device, and supports remote access, making it ideal for home offices and mobile agents.

March 8, 2014

PBX for SIP trunking

Version 5.2.0 introduces a valuable improvement for extensions with multiple alias numbers. Now, when an inbound call is received, the PBX will send the called alias number to the registered device. If the number isn't on the alias list, the primary extension name is used. This change enhances the PBX’s role beyond being just a PBX to also serve as a trunk engine. It’s particularly beneficial for SIP trunking providers, who can leverage features like PCAP recording, RTCP-XR for SLA monitoring, and the ability to manage both IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces. Additionally, with improved CDR reporting, billing becomes easier, and the PBX scales efficiently with virtualization support.

February 27, 2014

The cloud and voice encryption

When the first version of pbxnsip introduced RTP encryption, it was a pioneering feature, but it didn’t generate the expected marketing success. Back then, customers were just happy if they could hear each other over VoIP. Over time, we refined our SRTP implementation to address challenges like the rollover counter, optimized transcoding, and avoided one-way audio issues. With growing awareness of security, encryption is now a critical focus, yet many providers still don’t encrypt voice traffic. To bridge this gap, we’ve added the ability to write decrypted PCAP files, making troubleshooting encrypted voice easier, and this feature is available in version 5.1.3.

February 7, 2014

Hosted PBX and Virtualization

In 2014, the hosted PBX industry gained more clarity on key technologies, with virtualization becoming crucial. It allows several servers to run on the same hardware, making the process faster and more efficient, and offering robust failover mechanisms to maintain service even during hardware failures. Unlike traditional services, PBX systems require real-time response times measured in milliseconds, which means virtual machines must have exclusive CPU control. Vodia’s multi-tenant solution enables the efficient use of resources, offering a scalable hosted PBX service with minimal disruption, while keeping deployment costs low and allowing rapid expansion.

January 4, 2014

Country Code

In the latest PBX version, a warning sign has been added to the general settings page for domains to help manage international number formats. The system handles two primary number formats: the NANPA region (USA and Canada) with its predictable 10-digit format and the rest of the world, where numbers can start with a country code, area code, or local number. To ensure proper routing, users can enter numbers starting with a plus sign (+), indicating a global format. It's crucial that the PBX knows the country code to route calls accurately. The update also highlights the issue with the outdated practice of dialing a “9” to seize a line, which is no longer necessary in today’s digital and multi-trunk environments.

December 3, 2013

G726: The Best Things in Life Are Free

After years of absence, the G.726 codec has been reintroduced in version 5.1.3 of the PBX. This codec offers favorable characteristics, including a low data rate of around 56 kbit/s, which is ideal for bandwidth-limited environments. Its lower CPU overhead makes it particularly useful for PBX systems, which handle multiple calls simultaneously. While not ideal for music on hold due to its simple compression, G.726 performs better than more compressed codecs like G.729. Widely supported by devices like snom, Yealink, Linksys, and Grandstream, the PBX now dynamically handles the codec, improving compatibility and performance.

November 21, 2013

IPv6 and NAT

IPv6 was designed to eliminate the need for network address translation (NAT) that became necessary with IPv4 due to the limited number of IP addresses. While IPv6 provides an abundance of addresses, NAT is still being considered by some firewall manufacturers as a necessary feature. For SIP clients, NAT behind IPv6 should work fine, as connection-oriented SIP packets like TCP or TLS handle responses naturally. The main issue with NAT and IPv6 arises when servers inside a network need to be accessed. The solution is simple: configure firewalls to forward packets to the PBX server, maintaining the security of internal devices while enabling remote connectivity.

October 30, 2013


Troubleshooting a PBX can be challenging, but the goal is to minimize issues through smart design, like providing NAT traversal solutions for SIP endpoints. When issues arise, it’s essential to have the right tools, such as SIP registration reporting, which notifies administrators of registration issues caused by firewalls or unstable internet connections. Additional tools help with provisioning problems by logging generated files and their history. For call-related issues, the PBX now captures call PCAPs based on trunks or extensions, making it easier to isolate specific problems. TLS and SRTP encryption are also addressed by decoding traffic before sending it to the PCAP subsystem, ensuring accurate timestamps for troubleshooting.

October 14, 2013

Recordings and HTML5 audio tags

Recording phone calls is essential for compliance, particularly in industries like brokerage, where proof of phone agreements is required. In the snom ONE PBX, recordings are categorized into automatic and manual types. While manual recordings are handled like voicemail messages, automatic recordings, often generated in bulk in busy call centers, present a challenge for archiving and access. The solution is organizing them in a file system by domain and date for easy retrieval and storage on remote services. The 5.1.3 release introduces HTML5 audio playback for seamless in-browser listening, allowing restricted access to specific recordings without altering file system permissions, though IE users face limitations due to unsupported WAV formats.

October 10, 2013

SIP Gateway Behind NAT

Network Address Translation (NAT) was a workaround for the limited IPv4 addresses, and SIP was designed to be NAT-unfriendly to encourage IPv6 adoption. However, as IPv6 remains far from mainstream, NAT is still a challenge. The Vodia PBX addresses this with a "mini-session border controller," which detects non-routable IPs and ignores SIP routing information. This solution works well with endpoints but faces issues with gateways behind NAT. The upcoming version 5.1.3 introduces a trunk flag to prevent the PBX from updating the SIP route, allowing for better communication. This also simplifies gateway registration, offering a more stable NAT workaround until IPv6 becomes common.

October 4, 2013

CSTA Browser

Vodia PBX offers a Windows-based CSTA browser notification tool that simplifies call handling for web-based CRM users. This lightweight program runs in the taskbar, listens for incoming calls, and opens a web page at a programmable location. To prevent excessive pop-ups, users can configure when the browser opens—such as for ACD or hunt group calls—or manually trigger it via a notification balloon. The tool has been improved to handle connection losses and network changes, ensuring reliable operation. It works with Vodia PBX and other CSTA-compatible systems, with a free trial available for those without a CSTA license.

September 17, 2013

Text Messages

Vodia PBX has supported email notifications since the beginning, helping administrators and users stay informed about important events. In version 5.1.1, text messaging (SMS) was introduced, initially for administrators, to enhance real-time notifications. The PBX uses HTTP-based messaging, which is simpler to set up and troubleshoot compared to SMPP. Multi-tenant environments benefit from domain-level configuration, allowing customers to manage their own SMS services. The system also includes retry mechanisms to improve reliability. Once stable, this feature will be extended to user events, further improving communication efficiency within the PBX.

August 26, 2013

Seamless Inter-Office Calling: Enhancing PBX Connectivity with Inter-Office Trunks

Traditional PBXs mainly routed calls between PSTN lines and extensions, with trunk-to-trunk calls being rare. Snom ONE followed this model, binding outbound calls to extensions. However, modern businesses with multiple offices and VPN-linked networks require low-latency local call routing. Version 5.1 introduces “inter-office trunks,” allowing calls to be routed directly between PBXs, reducing delays and ensuring local PSTN termination for emergency calls. Calls can now be routed based on dial plans without extension involvement, creating a private telephone network within organizations. This enhances flexibility and efficiency in global enterprise communications.

August 1, 2013


Version 5.1 introduces a setting to disable RTCP-XR on trunks, not as a feature, but as a necessity. RTCP-XR provides detailed reports on call quality, including packet arrival times, jitter, and MOS scores, making it valuable for troubleshooting and service-level documentation. However, many service providers use equipment that rejects unknown SDP content, causing interoperability issues. Since most providers and devices don’t support RTCP-XR, the default setting now suppresses its advertisement, ensuring compatibility. If providers adopt it in the future, it can be selectively enabled. This change ensures smoother integration while maintaining call quality diagnostics where possible.

July 22, 2013

Inter-Office Trunks

Previous versions allowed calls from one trunk to be routed through another for cost-effective call termination, commonly used by international offices. Now, the new inter-office trunk feature enhances this by assigning a dial plan directly to the trunk, offering greater flexibility in caller ID presentation. This allows businesses to optimize call routing without linking to specific extensions. While prepaid accounts aren’t supported, the feature enables broader applications, such as acting as a session border controller, handling LAN-WAN traffic, and translating calls between IPv4 and IPv6. Available from version 5.0.10i, this expands the PBX’s role in networked environments

June 21, 2013


Traditional PBX phones featured buttons with LED indicators for various functions, often labeled manually. In the SIP world, vendor-specific implementations and limited standards, like the "dialog" standard for BLF, dictate functionality. While BLF allows LED control, actual button behavior relies on provisioning. Vodia PBX extends button provisioning beyond snom to Polycom and Yealink phones, simplifying setup while maintaining functionality. For Polycom, this even enables park orbits, allowing users to park and retrieve calls easily. Though not identical to legacy PBX experiences, these enhancements significantly improve usability and streamline operations for modern VoIP systems.

June 10, 2013

TAPI Reloaded

TAPI (Telephony Application Programming Interface) has been a staple in connecting user programs with telephony hardware, evolving from physical devices to virtual software solutions. Widely adopted by the PBX industry, snom ONE also provides a TAPI service provider (TSP), with the latest version offering enhanced functionality. The new TSP supports both incoming and outgoing calls, including automatic call clearing even before the phone is picked up. It also includes a reconnection feature for lost connections, addressing internet reliability issues. Available for both 32 and 64-bit systems, users should ensure they install the correct version for their operating system.

February 15, 2013


With snom ONE expanding into the cloud, the need for multiple administrators became evident. The new system now includes three distinct roles: the "super administrator," who retains full control over the PBX; the "system administrator," who shares many privileges but cannot alter super administrator accounts; and the "domain administrator," who manages specific domains without impacting account licenses. This new structure eliminates the need for sacrificing accounts for administrative purposes and clarifies roles. Additionally, the "login as" option has been removed, making it clear which role each user holds within the system.

January 29, 2013

The Auto Attendant Dial-by-Name

The auto attendant is a valuable feature that has replaced switchboard operators in many businesses, particularly where cost efficiency and technological advances are key. In version 5.0.4, this feature has been enhanced to offer a more streamlined user experience. The "start" trigger now automatically initiates dial-by-name mode, allowing callers to search for names immediately without selecting options. The new release also includes direct destination options and the ability to disconnect calls after a set period of inactivity, particularly useful for analog lines. Additionally, the system can now include a user’s cell phone in the dial-by-name mode without the caller being aware.

January 14, 2013

Mini upgrades

The upgrade process for snom ONE mini and SoHo devices has been clarified. When purchasing a version 5 license, users can now use the device’s MAC address as a promotion code for a 50% discount on bundles like ten, twenty, or premium five, ten, or twenty. The generated license is specific to that MAC address and can only be used once. Additionally, the new premium five license is designed for production use, offering more calls and accounts compared to the free edition, which is only for demonstrations. This helps streamline the upgrade process and offers more flexibility for users.

December 4, 2012

Presence in, Presence out

In PBX terms, presence typically indicates if someone is on the phone or unavailable. With snom ONE version 5.0.2, we’ve enhanced presence functionality by adding the ability for the PBX to show when a user is on the phone, even if they are using an external device like a mobile phone. This is achieved through an HTTP request to the PBX from the mobile service provider, updating the presence status without needing complex SIP configurations. The system can track call duration and reset the status after a call ends. Additionally, the PBX can relay presence updates to connected platforms like Microsoft Lync.

November 19, 2012

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Widerstansfähigkeit in der Kommunikation: Warum der verteilte Ansatz von Vodia wegweisend ist

Vodia Networks nutzt eine verteilte Architektur für seine Kommunikationsplattform und reduziert so die mit zentralisierten Systemen verbundenen Risiken. Im Gegensatz zu Einzelserverlösungen, die einen einzigen Fehlerpunkt erzeugen, verteilt der Ansatz von Vodia die Last auf mehrere Server und gewährleistet so einen kontinuierlichen Betrieb auch bei Hardware- oder Softwareproblemen. Jeder Server arbeitet unabhängig mit seinen eigenen Daten, was ein schnelles Failover ermöglicht und Störungen minimiert. Bereitstellungsoptionen vor Ort bieten zusätzliche Kontrolle über Sicherheit und Leistung.

February 5, 2025

Die Vodia-Telefonanlage für die Kommunikation in Pflegeheimen

Pflegeheime benötigen eine nahtlose, sichere Kommunikation, um eine qualitativ hochwertige Pflege zu gewährleisten. Die cloud-basierte Telefonanlage von Vodia ist hierfür die ideale Lösung. Mit Funktionen wie automatischer Anrufverteilung, Anrufaufzeichnung, Notfallbenachrichtigungen und MS Teams-Integration optimiert Vodia die Personalkoordination, erhöht die Sicherheit der Bewohner und vereinfacht Verwaltungsabläufe. Unser System unterstützt DECT, SIP-Telefone, Smartphones und Webbrowser und bietet flexible Konnektivität. Vodias Smart Fax sorgt für eine sichere Dokumentenübertragung, während unsere API benutzerdefinierte Integrationen mit EHRs und Telemedizin-Software ermöglicht.

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Warum ist Vodia die beste Business Telefonanlage? 10 Gründe, die Sie kennen sollten

Vodia Networks bietet hochmoderne Cloud-Kommunikationslösungen, die auf Unternehmen, Contact Center und Service Provider zugeschnitten sind. Mit MS Teams-Zertifizierung, TLS 1.3-Compliance und Unterstützung für über 6.000 Nebenstellen pro virtueller Maschine ist das Telefonsystem von Vodia die funktionsreichste, skalierbarste und sicherste Option auf dem Markt. Ob Sie eine nahtlose Integration mit SIP-Geräten, robuste Call Center-Management-Tools oder die Möglichkeit suchen, das System als White-Label-Lösung für MSP zu nutzen. Vodia bietet beispiellose Flexibilität und Mehrwerte. Entdecken Sie die 10 Gründe, warum Vodia die beste Business Telefonanlage für Organisationen jeder Größe ist.

January 23, 2025