How to configure your Telynx SIP trunk with Vodia PBX
Published on:
January 14, 2019
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of configuring the Vodia phone system with Telnyx phone service using Registration. It begins with setting up a Telnyx account, including purchasing a phone number and creating a connection with secure credentials. Once the connection is established, the guide walks you through provisioning your number and assigning it to the created connection. The outbound profile setup enables outbound calling through Telnyx, and Vodia PBX integration is simplified with automatic dial plans. Additionally, routing incoming calls to specific extensions or external URLs is covered, along with managing multiple DIDs through Vodia’s DID management.
This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide for configuring your Vodia phone system with Telnyx phone service using Registration.
The first thing we need to do is get you set up on the portal.
Configuring your account on the Telnyx
Purchase a Number:
Visit the NUMBERS page via the navigation on the left-hand side
Select the SEARCH NUMBER tab
Select your search type: (NPA-NXX, Region, Toll-Free or Advanced)
Input your search criteria and click SEARCH
The result will display below
Click "+ADD to CART" to select the number(s) you'd like to purchase
Click on the Shopping Cart to view your selected numbers and check out
Once purchased, your number will be visible on the "My Numbers" tab within the NUMBERS page
Setup Up You Connection
Visit the CONNECTIONS page via the navigation menu on the left-hand side
Click the "ADD CONNECTION" button (located toward the top right corner
Input a name for the connection
Select "Credential" for your authentication Method and input a Username and Password of your choosing and is secure.
Click the "CREATE" button to finish creation your connection
Note: You can also set up the connection with the external IP address of your Vodia PBX or the FQDN.
Provision your Number: (Assign to a connection)
Go back to the NUMBERS page via the navigation menu on the left-hand side
Select the MY NUMBERS tab (This may have defaulted to this already)
Click the "Select Connection" drop-down next to your number. You should see the connection you just created -select it
Your number is now all set on the Telenyx user portal
Create an Outbound Profile
Visit the OUTBOUND section via the navigation menu on the left-hand side
Click the "+ ADD OUTBOUND PROFILE" button (located towards the top right corner)
Select the connection you created via the "Select Connection" drop -down
Choose the "Traffic Type and "Service Plan" that meets your needs.
Click "ADD"
You are no setup for outbound calling.
Configuring Vodia PBX User-Pass Authentication
In your, Vodia PBX navigate to your Domain, and on the left-hand side choose TRUNKS ---> VoIP Providers
Click on add and choose Telnyx trunk, and enter the user and password you've created in your Telnyx account
Click on create
The Vodia PBX has the Telnyx template built in, so there's no need to enter the SIP outbound proxy and trunk headers configuration. Vodia automatically creates a dial plan for the domain so there's no need to create a dial plan unless you wanted to edit it.
Routing incoming calls
Navigate to your registered Telynx trunk, and scroll down to set the incoming call under "Routing/Redirection"
Vodia supports the following inbound methods.
Send all to the destination request URL
Send all calls to a specific account
Send to a 10 Digit DID
Match extension after a prefix
Use a list of expression
For this exercise, we are going choose "Send all calls to a specific account" When you call into the system all calls will go the specified extension.
If you have multiple Telnyx phone numbers you would like to route into the Vodia PBX, you can follow these steps:
DID Management
Navigate to DID management in admin mode
The DID management will help you configure multiple DIDs by assigning them to specific extensions the system.
Navigate to your Telnyx trunk from your Vodia PBX system and scroll down to "Routing/Redirection" and choose "Send all to the destination request URL"
Transportunternehmen benötigen robuste Kommunikationstools, die über die Standardfunktionen hinausgehen. Durch die Integration der von Microsoft zertifizierten Vodia-Telefonanlage mit MS Teams erhalten Unternehmen wichtige Funktionen wie Durchsagen, Notrufe, Prioritäts-Routing und Failover-Lösungen. Diese leistungsstarke Kombination gewährleistet eine nahtlose Konnektivität zwischen Fahrern, Disponenten und Büropersonal, selbst in abgelegenen Gebieten. Durch die Fähigkeit zur Integration in Fahrzeugsysteme und nicht mit Teams kompatible Geräte transformiert die Vodia-Telefonanlage die Kommunikation für Logistikunternehmen und verbessert die Sicherheit, Produktivität und den Kundenservice.
Vodia hat in 2024 wichtige Meilensteine erreicht, darunter die Zertifizierung unserer PBX für MS Teams, die unsere Plattformzukunft entscheidend prägen wird. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Verbesserung von Bereichen, in denen Microsoft Teams Funktionalität fehlt, z.B. die SIP-Interoperabilität. Unsere Integration von Realtime AI über APIs hat große Fortschritte gemacht, mit spannenden und vielversprechenden Entwicklungen für 2025. Zudem haben wir die PBX-Oberfläche auf das moderne Tailwind-Framework umgestellt und eine native Android-App veröffentlicht, während Verbesserungen für iOS in Arbeit sind. Vodia ist gut positioniert, um 2025 AI-gestützte Funktionen zur Produktivitätssteigerung und Effizienz einzuführen.
Für Managed Service Provider (MSPs) ist das Monitoring mehrerer Vodia PBX-Instanzen entscheidend, um eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Servicequalität sicherzustellen. Störungen in der Sprachkommunikation können Geschäftsabläufe erheblich beeinträchtigen. Ein strukturierter Ansatz ermöglicht es, Engpässe frühzeitig zu erkennen und die Systemleistung zu optimieren. Die Überwachung umfasst Schlüsselmetriken wie Latenz, Traffic, Fehler und Ressourcenauslastung. Dashboards liefern intuitive, handlungsorientierte Einblicke, während effektive Alerts eine schnelle Problemlösung fördern. Ziele sind u. a. die Verbesserung der Anrufqualität, die Minimierung von Ausfallzeiten und die Optimierung der Ressourcennutzung.