This article explains how to configure a SIP trunk with on Vodia PBX, starting with ensuring that your system is properly set up with NAT, firewall checks, and correct SIP settings. After configuring your account, including setting the device type and dialing mode, you'll gather necessary details like the username, password, DID numbers, and registrar server. In Vodia PBX, create a new SIP trunk and input the settings such as registrar, username, and password. You'll then configure how incoming calls are routed, either based on the Request-URI or directing them to a specific account. Once completed, save the settings, and the trunk will register automatically, with the dial plan generated for you.
Vodia PBX offers a complete Unified Communications solution out of the box. As an open standards software PBX, installation and management of your phone system have never been easier.
In this article, we will discuss how to set up your SIP trunk with the Vodia PBX phone system.
System Prerequisite
Before configuring the SIP trunk (in your Vodia system) it is required to go through the following checklist and make changes where necessary:
The first thing is adjusting the Device type. To do so please navigate to Main Menu → Account settings → Inbound Settings and make sure that the Protocol for Inbound DIDs is set to “SIP” and that the Device type is set to “IP PBX Server” and apply any changes made.
Dialing mode
Next, we are going to set our dialing mode under General setting, Choose American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA) and apply the changes.
DID Management
Make sure that the DIDs ordered are linked to your account. To do so navigate to DID Numbers / Manage DID(s). Click on the Edit DID icon and make sure that the routing points to SIP/IAX on your main account.
Save the configuration when choosing the correct account.
Account information
In order to register and operate the trunk in Vodia PBX, you will have to collect some information that will be needed in the configuration of the trunk.
Username: The username for registering the trunk can be found under Main Menu → Account Information
Password: The trunk password can be found in the email you received from during the registration process. You can also change the password by navigating to Main Menu → Account Settings → Security.
DID Number: The DID numbers can be seen by navigating to DID Numbers → Manage DID(s)
Registrar: Go to Main Menu → Account Settings → Default DID Routing. From here, make note of the selected server. In this example, the server in New ( will be the one used for our configuration.
Configuring the Trunk on the Vodia PBX
The general instructions outlining how to add a new SIP Trunk to Vodia PBX can be found here.
To create a SIP trunk, navigate to your domain and choose VoIP Providers in the left-hand panel, then click the plus button to create a trunk. Choose other under the setting provider.
Type of SIP is registration
Outbound Proxy address: is the registrar assigned under Menu → Account Settings → Default DID Routing of your account, example (
User name: Your user account found under Main Menu → Account Information
Password: password found under Main Menu → Account Settings → Security
Press create to complete the configuration.
Vodia Trunk settings
We will need to change a few settings to complete the trunk configuration. Click on your newly created trunk.
Under Display Name: add your DID number
Account: add you SIP user account
Domain name: add your registrar proxy, should be the proxy address found under Menu → Account Settings → Default DID Routing in your account
Explicitly list address for inbound traffic: Enter the IPV4 of your registrar proxy, for example, you can ping ( or if you not sure, check which registrar server you have chosen under Menu → Account Settings → Default DID Routing.
Routing /Redirection
We need to configure the Vodia PBX on how to handle incoming calls on the system. Let's scroll down to Routing / Redirection.
under (Destination for incoming call) you will be presented with a drop-down with five routing settings. We will be focusing only on two of the settings in which you can choose the best on that fits your needs.
Send calls to the destination in the Request-URI: The Vodia PBX will look at the request URI on an inbound call for example SIP:8573438189@ SIP/2.0. if this DID is present on the system, Vodia will simply send the call to the specific extension or account on the system. To add a DID to your extension simply navigate to Accounts ---> Extension in your domain, choose an extension you would like to append the DID too. For example, 440 is the extension account then space and the DID number 440 9784567654 you can add multiple DIDs to an extension by simply repeating the same process; 440 9784567654 9784567654 9784567654 etc.
Send all calls to a specific account: You can use this setting to send a call to a specific account on the system, Under (Default Account), Vodia will present to a list of user and account on the system you can choose from.
Once you have finished configuring your trunk settings, scroll to the button of the page and press save. At this point, if you refresh the page under VoIP provider you should see your Trunk appear as registered. Also, the Vodia PBX will automatically create a dial plan for your domain. If you would like to edit the dial plan navigate to Trunks --->VoIP Provider ---->Dial plan
Let us know if you run into any issues, you can send us an email at
Vodia Networks freut sich, seine Integration mit Cliniko, einer führenden Praxisverwaltungssoftware für Gesundheitsdienstleister, bekannt zu geben. Diese Integration ermöglicht eine nahtlose Bearbeitung von Anrufen durch die automatische Anzeige von Patientendatensätzen aus Cliniko bei eingehenden Anrufen, so dass die Mitarbeiter schnell auf die relevanten Details zugreifen können. Die Integration verbessert die Interaktion mit den Patienten, strafft die Arbeitsabläufe und unterstützt Organisationen im Gesundheitswesen bei der Bereitstellung einer besseren Versorgung unter Einhaltung der HIPAA-Richtlinien und der Datensicherheit.
Vodia hat die Echtzeit-API von OpenAI in seine PBX integriert und ermöglicht so Echtzeit-KI-gestützte Hotel Telefonsysteme, die den Gästeservice verbessern. Durch die Nutzung natürlicher Sprachverarbeitung können Gäste Reservierungen vornehmen, Dienstleistungen anfordern und auf Hotel Annehmlichkeiten in mehreren Sprachen zugreifen – alles über Sprachbefehle. Diese Integration rationalisiert den Hotelbetrieb, reduziert die Arbeitsbelastung des Personals und verbessert die Gästezufriedenheit. Ob Sie ein Zimmer buchen, einen Zimmerservice bestellen oder einen Transport organisieren – KI-gestützte Telefonsysteme sorgen für nahtlose Kommunikation und Effizienz.
ConnectPlus, ein fiktives Callcenter, stand bei der Verwaltung seiner Telefonsysteme und Kundeninteraktionen vor mehreren Herausforderungen. Das Unternehmen hatte mit ineffizienter Anrufweiterleitung, langen Wartezeiten und unzureichender Berichterstattung zu kämpfen, insbesondere da es für die interne Kommunikation auf MS Teams angewiesen war. Um die betriebliche Effizienz und das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern, suchte ConnectPlus nach einer Lösung, die seine Prozesse über mehrere Geräte und Plattformen hinweg rationalisieren konnte. Die Integration der PBX von Vodia mit Teams bot die ideale Lösung und optimierte die Anrufbearbeitung.