
Resources​ for Vodia Users

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October 16, 2024

More than half-a-million people worldwide rely on the Vodia phone system for seamless unified cloud communications, offering features like call recording, SMS, conferencing, paging and the ability to separate work and personal calls—crucial in remote and hybrid work environments. Ideal for both enterprises and SMBs (Small-Medium Businesses), Vodia integrates with popular CRMs such as Zoho, Salesforce, Oracle, HubSpot and platforms like Microsoft Teams. To help users maximize their PBX experience, Vodia offers various resources, including a searchable Q&A forum, individual support tickets, detailed documentation and instructional videos, ensuring comprehensive support and ease of use.

Did you know more than half-a-million people worldwide depend on the Vodia phone system for the best in unified cloud communications? The Vodia PBX gives enterprises and SMBs the most complete set of business communications features available - this includes call recording, SMS, paging, conference calls, auto attendant and, crucial in remote and hybrid work environments, separation of work and personal calls. Vodia is the perfect choice if you’re using a CRM, including Zoho, Salesforce, Oracle and HubSpot, among many other platforms, including Microsoft Teams

Our best-in-class phone system is easy to install, cost-effective and simple to use; it’s secure, scalable and robust, which we can proudly say after more than a decade of working tirelessly to bring the most innovative PBX to the marketplace. The Vodia PBX is a complex and powerful tool, but it also requires the know-how on how to deploy and run it. 

To this end we provide a number of resources to Vodia users to make sure they are leveraging all of the benefits our phone system has to offer. These resources include: 

  • The Vodia Forum: Users are welcome to participate in our interactive forum at This is a public question/answer forum sorted by topics, where users can search for similar questions that you might have - you can also, of course, raise new questions. The forum is searchable, so it’s quite possible you might find the answer to your question without having to wait for someone to respond.
  • Tickets: If you’d like to open an individual trouble ticket, please visit Individual tickets, - this can be useful if you need someone to look “under the hood” and resolve the problem for you.
  • Documentation Issues: If you find errors or missing documentation items, or you think certain documents require improvement, please open a ticket (and be as specific as possible). We appreciate any feedback that helps us improve your use of our PBX. 

Obtaining a License

If you're interested in obtaining a license, we can connect you with a Vodia partner in your area. Alternatively, if you'd like to get your own license, you can register an account at To host our PBX, contact us for a full-featured test license. You'll need a server with a routable(e.g. public) IP address that's fully connected to the Internet. You can find more information on our license page.


We have a lengthy menu of videos that explain how to use the Vodia PBX - If you feel there’s a topic which we haven’t addressed in a video, and that a video would be helpful, please feel free to let us know. 

Complete Documentation

Finally, all of our documentation can be found here: And you can always reach us via email,, or via phone, +1 (617) 861-3490.

About Vodia Networks

Vodia Networks, Inc. is a pioneering provider of B2B Cloud Communications Solutions catering to enterprises, contact centers and service providers. Vodia's PBX software boasts an extensive suite of business telephony features for on-premise and cloud-based systems and operates seamlessly across Windows, Linux or Mac platforms. Fully compliant with SIP industry standards, the Vodia phone system integrates effortlessly with a wide range of SIP-based devices and trunking providers, granting ultimate freedom in telephony. Vodia’s multi-tenancy platforms are compatible with an unprecedented number of technologies, including desk phones, softphones and APIs, for myriad third-party software and CRM systems. Our mission is to empower our partners and end-users with the world's best cloud PBX and personalized support to ensure their success at every turn. Our US headquarters are in Boston and our European headquarters are in Berlin; we also maintain offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, Nicosia (Cyprus) and Sydney, Australia. Visit Vodia on LinkedIn, X and YouTube.

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