
Vodia Participates in VoIP Planning Meeting

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January 17, 2025

Vodia Sales Engineer Eric Altman participated in a strategic planning meeting in Washington, DC, with BCM One, SIP Trunk, Cove Central, and elite resellers to discuss joint strategies and goals for 2025. As a trusted partner of these organizations and a member of the Cove Central Technology Alliance Partner Program (TAPP) since November 2023, Vodia continues to build on its strong industry relationships. The meeting highlighted opportunities for collaboration and innovation, aligning with Vodia's 2019s recent milestone: the certification of the Vodia PBX for Microsoft Teams. Announced in November, this certification enables businesses to enhance their Teams ecosystems with critical functionalities such as SIP trunk call routing and VoIP endpoint connectivity.

Vodia Sales Engineer Eric Altman represented Vodia at a meeting with BCM One, SIP Trunk, Cove Central and a number of elite resellers in Washington, DC to discuss joint strategies for 2025. We have been a longtime partner of BCM One, SIP Trunk and Cove Central, and we’ve been part of the Cove Central Technology Alliance Partner Program (TAPP) since November 2023. 

"It was great to get together with BCM One, SIP Trunk, Cove and some of our elite partners,” Mr. Altman said. “We talked about some exciting stuff and discussed some of the things we want to accomplish together next year. It was definitely very positive - could be the beginning of something big…” 

On November 19, we announced the Vodia PBX is now certified for Microsoft Teams.  

Vodia founder and CEO, Dr. Christian Stredicke, recently joined Doug Green, Publisher of Telecom Reseller, on the Technology Reseller News Podcast, to discuss this important milestone for Vodia. 

With the Vodia PBX, Teams becomes a powerful platform for collaboration and communication, giving businesses who add Vodia to their Teams ecosystem crucial functionalities unavailable with Teams on its own, particularly the routing of calls to SIP trunk providers and sending and receiving calls to and from VoIP endpoints, including: DECT solutions, door phones and alarms, hotel room/patient room phones and overhead paging equipment; Vodia also gives businesses a “last-mile” connection via analog gateways such as 2-wire VoIP phones and elevator and lobby phones. It’s the perfect solution for business communication in just about any industry, including call centers, commercial and residential real estate, critical infrastructure, hospitality, maritime and cruising, medical/nursing homes and transportation, among others.   

For comprehensive information about our industry-standard phone system, and to find out about partnering with Vodia, please get in touch with us, sales@vodia.com or +1 (617) 861-3490, to find out more.

About Vodia

Vodia Networks, Inc. is a pioneering provider of B2B Cloud Communications Solutions catering to enterprises, contact centers and service providers. Vodia's PBX software boasts an extensive suite of business telephony features for on-premise and cloud-based systems and operates seamlessly across Windows, Linux or Mac platforms. Fully compliant with SIP industry standards, the Vodia phone system integrates effortlessly with a wide range of SIP-based devices and trunking providers, granting ultimate freedom in telephony. Vodia’s multi-tenancy platforms are compatible with an unprecedented number of technologies, including desk phones, softphones and APIs, for myriad third-party software and CRM systems. Our mission is to empower our partners and end-users with the world's best cloud PBX and personalized support to ensure their success at every turn. Our US headquarters are in Boston and our European headquarters are in Berlin; we also maintain offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, Nicosia (Cyprus) and Sydney, Australia. Visit Vodia on LinkedIn, X and YouTube.

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